Insulin resistance and lactation insufficiency: FAQ

  As emerging research sheds light on possible reasons for lactation trouble even when mothers receive competent support, insulin resistance, or IR, is rising to the forefront of the discussion of possible causes. The following is an adapted-for-the-blogosphere excerpt of my upcoming book, Finding Sufficiency: Breastfeeding with Insufficient Glandular Tissue, which will be available this summer from…

When the media spins the biological norm

I am often asked, through networks of professionals, to connect a reporter or media representative to breastfeeding mothers in a particular situation.  There are some requests that I scramble to satisfy, without reservation, because either the journalist is one whose work I am familiar with (and is truly supportive of breastfeeding), or because the population…

The surgeon who changed my life

Well, no, it’s not really like that.  I wasn’t sick, and the “changing” part was that the guy refused to operate on me.  At the time, I was kind of mad about it. I was 26, and in the best shape of my life having just run my first marathon. I loved running and spent a…

My thoughts on the vitamin D controversy

In April of 2011, Best for Babes unveiled a new website, and I was thrilled to be the first guest for the “Making Sense of the Science” blog section.  My article on vitamin D and breastfeeding has caused quite a stir on Facebook fan pages where its link was posted, such as The Leaky Boob…

Breastfeeding in pregnancy

My son was a few weeks from his 3rd birthday, and lingering congestion and a cough weren’t passing.  He started running a fever and was nursing non-stop, which was starting to wear me a bit thin, since, at that point in my pregnancy (about 30 weeks), there wasn’t much milk and my breasts were very,…