Insulin resistance and lactation insufficiency: FAQ

  As emerging research sheds light on possible reasons for lactation trouble even when mothers receive competent support, insulin resistance, or IR, is rising to the forefront of the discussion of possible causes. The following is an adapted-for-the-blogosphere excerpt of my upcoming book, Finding Sufficiency: Breastfeeding with Insufficient Glandular Tissue, which will be available this summer from…

Breastfeeding with mammary hypoplasia/IGT: a study!

One of our biggest frustrations in the lactation/breastfeeding support arena is that we have so little information to offer mothers who have a physiological barrier to breastfeeding — their bodies just don’t produce milk, even after other problems have been solved.  I described this condition in this post at Penny Liberatos, PhD (New York…

When the media spins the biological norm

I am often asked, through networks of professionals, to connect a reporter or media representative to breastfeeding mothers in a particular situation.  There are some requests that I scramble to satisfy, without reservation, because either the journalist is one whose work I am familiar with (and is truly supportive of breastfeeding), or because the population…